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The benifits of using a Performer™

Pitch Adjustable to Match Vocal Range or Prerecorded Source, Tuning Change Can Be Synced to Match the Tempo of a Song, Compensates for Neck Warp, Temperature and Humidity,

How the AxCent Tuning System Works

The Performer™ self-tuning guitar system adjusts the tensions of the strings, making it possible to keep your guitar in tune and change tuning while you play. With a single button press, the strings arrive in-tune quickly and accurately and with no need for additional strumming or other messy procedures.
The self-tuning guitar is comprised of a computer, string sensors, and mechanical device with stepper motors, backlit LCD readout, and 2x6 Push Button Keypad. The system is a “calibrated”system. This simply means that the properties of the strings and neck are mathematically characterized in “calibration”equations that are generated from string data that is gathered while the system is being set up. The calibration equations are then stored in the computer’s permanent memory and provide a map for the system to follow when tuning changes are requested.
When a tuning change is requested, the computer accesses the calibration equations and instantly commands each motor to move an absolute number of motor steps. The calibration method provides the Performer™the ability to move from one tuning to the next without sensing frequency or tension, and consequently, the ability to change tuning while you play. Each guitar is calibrated during final assembly and each guitar holds a unique calibration.

How Our Competitor’s Systems Work

Our competitors use inferior analog feedback approaches to solving the tuning problem. These feedback approaches have many problems, limitations, and disadvantages.
During the analog feedback process, the strings must be vibrating while their fundamental frequencies are determined and compared to a set of reference frequencies. In order for this to work, the strings cannot be fretted or bent. As a result, you cannot change the tuning of the guitar or play the guitar during “their”analog feedback processes.
Additional problems are created during the feedback process because the string frequencies are decaying while they are being compared to constant reference frequencies. As a result, the motors overshoot the string frequencies and dance around the target note until the strings die out. With luck, the strings stop moving while they are passing over their requested notes. If any string stops ringing before the tuning process is complete, all the strings must be re-strummed until they are in-tune. This makes it virtually impossible to tune the guitar with any level of speed or accuracy.
Some of our competitors put the adjusting mechanisms behind the headstock of the guitar. This creates additional problems because the strings need to travel through the nut of the guitar. It is well known and documented that friction exists in the nut making it virtually impossible for these systems to have any reasonable level of accuracy or reproducibility.

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AxCent Tuning Systems

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